Mad Dreams and Monsters: The Art of Phil Tippett Book Review

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Mad Dreams and Monsters: The Art of Phil Tippett Book Review
Mad Dreams and Monsters: The Art of Phil Tippett and Tippett Studio is a huge and lavish 528-page retrospective of the work of Phil Tippett. It’s a real visual treat and is packed full of photographs, models, sketches, storyboards and illustrations, giving you a real insight into the artist and the man behind the magic and VFX of the most iconic sci-fi and fantasy movies ever. These include the original Star Wars movies, Jurassic Park, RoboCop, and Starship Troopers. Mad Dreams and Monsters is a truly stunning book that celebrates Tippett’s career, from early Super 8 explorations through to his groundbreaking work with Industrial Light & Magic, DreamWorks, and beyond. His career spans over 40 years and he was there at the very beginning of big-screen visual effects. The book features over a thousand behind-the-scenes photographs and never-before-published stories from the master himself. For sci-fi movie fans and lovers of the movies he’s worked on, this has got to be a must-have for your collection! – You can grab a copy now from Amazon UK and

Mad Dreams and Monsters: The Art of Phil Tippett Book Review

Mad Dreams and Monsters: The Art of Phil Tippett Book Review

Mad Dreams and Monsters: The Art of Phil Tippett Book Review

Mad Dreams and Monsters: The Art of Phil Tippett Book Review

Mad Dreams and Monsters: The Art of Phil Tippett Book Review

Mad Dreams and Monsters: The Art of Phil Tippett Book Review

Mad Dreams and Monsters: The Art of Phil Tippett Book Review

All Images are Copyright © Phil Tippett and Tippett Studio, Cameron Books